A week and a half ago, I had an appointment with my hematologist, who reported that my iron levels have improved, which is terrific! I take it as confirmation that my gf diet is working. I noted that I've still been having some unpleasant GI symptoms (and I still am), he essentially said "I'm a hematologist. Go see your gastroenterologist." I told him I didn't like the GI doc that I had gotten the celiac diagnosis from but that the doc I had heard good things about had such a packed schedule that it would have taken many more weeks to get in to see her. He said that he'd have his office set up an appointment. I'm thinking that he's got some doc-to-doc juice and can get me an appointment pretty quick. A couple of days later his office called to say that the appointment was set for the first week in December. 6 weeks! Some juice!
In the meantime, I got info about the Celiac Center at Jefferson when I was at the eat-a-thon. I've decided that it doesn't make any sense to not have them as my medical team for managing my celiac disease. I tried all week to talk to an actual person in their office to get an appointment set, but to no avail. Very frustrating. I'm hoping that once I get into the groove with them, it won't be so hard. Oh, and the hematologist's office called a couple of days after the appointment to tell me that I'm deficient in folate and that I should take a folic acid supplement. However, I've read that folic acid can increase risks for certain types of cancer. I'd rather seek to increase my folate consumption through diet, which means eating even more green leafies. I'm now on a quest for a blender so that I can start incorporating more green smoothies into my diet. I also want to talk to the dietician at Jeff when I finally get hooked in there to get a real plan for any nutritional deficiencies and to get a read on my bone density. Comments are closed.
January 2024