Thanks to everyone who took a few minutes to answer my survey. I'd love to hear your story too. Take my survey:
Here are a couple of responses about people's experiences with/relationship to gluten. "I was dealing with a lot of GI issues, so starting 2 years ago I started making changes to the way I was eating." "Husband is celiac, I just get crippling migraines." "I never realized that gluten had such an adverse affect on sufferers of epilepsy- no esteemed doctor ever made me aware of this fact. However, since eliminating gluten from my diet, I have felt a marked improvement in my health and over all well being." "During an elimination diet, I experienced significant digestion problems and joint pain when I reintroduced wheat and cow dairy products." "I am somewhere between Celiac and Intolerent. The older I get the worse the intolerence becomes, to the point that I know have developed other auto immune disorders that are a function of digestive side effects." "I believe in switching up grains, and providing more variety to myself and my family. 'Balance in everything.'" "I'm also gliaden intolerant." Comments are closed.
January 2024