Here's a pic of my son clowning around with a slice of gluteny pizza. In the foreground is my GF spinach pie, made with care by people at Carmen's in Delaware County, PA. They really truly get it. All I want in a dining experience is to be able have what I want and the people I'm with have what they want. At Carmen's, my son gets delicious pizza, and I do too. I'm not "settling." I'm not ordering the salad and hoping they took me seriously when I say "no croutons, dressing on the side." I'm treated like a regular person and beyond asking for the GF menu, I don't have to ask all of those annoying questions. I don't feel a bit self-conscious there. My energy can go to having an excellent, very fun time with a great non-celiac kid rather than fretting about whether the food I ordered will be made with care to insure that I won't get sick. This is my desire for all of us who need to live a happy, healthy, gluten-free life.
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January 2024